Big Ears 2021

Given the current situation, we’re going to postpone any plans for producing a Big Ears Festival in March 2021. There’s no way. It simply isn’t feasible. If there’s a lesson to be gleaned from the past nine months, it’s to take nothing for granted and be flexible and ready to pivot as the situation demands.

Nevertheless, we remain optimistic about the future — and about the possibility of staging Big Ears in 2021.

Here’s what we have in mind:
We’re planning a scaled-down Big Ears Festival for late Spring, likely the weekend of May 27 – 30. We will, of course, proceed only if we can do so confidently and safely. Moving two months later will enable us to expand the festival’s traditional footprint, incorporating some beautiful outdoor spaces along with some of our traditional venues. There will be fewer performances than in the past few years — allowing us to open up more space in the overall schedule. We will also cap festival attendance at less than half of those we admitted for recent festivals.

We also plan to present another festival weekend in late August or September. Ideally, this would be a second festival for 2021, also scaled-back in comparison to recent years. If the virus prevents us from staging a festival in late May, we will use this period to reschedule that event; otherwise, our goal is to create a second weekend of unique programming.

In March of 2022, we plan to return with a full Big Ears Festival experience.

While we’re actively planning for a late May festival, we won’t announce details until late January or early February. You’ll be the first to know once we have news. Safety for all is our foremost concern. Beyond that, we are, as always, fully committed to producing a Big Ears Festival that will be an enjoyable and successful experience for all who take part.

In the meantime, we hope that you’ll stay in touch. We’re working on exciting new streaming initiatives and may even have a special surprise or two up our sleeves, depending on how the coming weeks play out.

We’re grateful for the tremendous enthusiasm and support for Big Ears that so many of you have shown. You make it possible for us to continue to do what we do — and we eagerly anticipate coming together for another unforgettable Big Ears weekend next year.

Knoxville, TN · USA



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